Thursday, September 28, 2023

What If the Robots Were Very Nice While They Took Over the World?

It’s easy to look at the rise of generative AI and imagine the singularity roaring toward us as an extinction-level event. It’s harder to look at it the way Virginia Heffernan does: with a canny sense of optimism. But that’s exactly what her feature on Cicero, an AI bot trained in the negotiation-focused strategy game Diplomacy, provides. What if ChatGPT isn’t heading toward HAL, but R2-D2?

If Cicero’s aura of “understanding” is, behind the scenes, just another algorithmic operation, sometimes an alignment in perception is all it takes to build a bond. I see, given the way your position often plays out, why you’d be nervous about those fleets. Or, outside of Diplomacy: I understand, since living alone diminishes your mood, why you’d want to have a roommate. When the stock customer service moves—“I can understand why you’re frustrated”—figured into Cicero’s dialog, they had a pleasing effect. No wonder moral philosophies of AI lean heavily on the buzzword alignment. When two minds’ perceptions of a third thing line up, we might call that congruity the cognitive equivalent of love.

from Longreads

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